My Ladyboy Cupid

Premium membership

After creating a profile you are a free member at My Ladyboy Cupid. If our Ladyboy dating site appeals to you, you can decide to take a Premium Membership with us. Being a Premium Member gives you many more options and increases your chances to find a partner by a lot.

For transgender women our Trans-Dating site is completely and 100% FREE of charges

With a Premium Membership you can use all functionalities on My Ladyboy Cupid. You can send unlimited messages and read all your messages. You will find your perfect match easier and you will find yourself optimal for other members.

We have listed the differences between free and paid profile for you.


The benefits: Free membership Paid membership
Search profiles
Browse profiles
Upload more photos 5 photos Up to 24 photos
Read messages
Send messages
Shown first in the search list
Communicate with everyone
Shown as Premium Member
Hide advertising banners
Cost From € 8.99 per month

We have four Premium Memberships. As the term of the subscription is longer, the cost per month lower. These are the Premium Memberships:

Duration Price per month Total price  
1 month $ 24,99 $ 24,99  
3 months $ 13,33 $ 39,99 Popular
6 months $ 11,66 $ 69,99  
12 months $ 8,33 $ 99,99  

The name that will appear on your credit card statement is "2dmedia". All our Premium Memberships are non-recurring and will not automatically be renewed at the end of the period. We do not store your card or payment details to make future payments on your behalf

As soon as your Premium membership expires, your account will revert back to a standard membership. We will notify you by email when your membership is due to expire as a reminder.

If you wish to enjoy the Premium features again you have to renew your membership by selecting a price plan and making a new payment.

Premium membership

Members with a Premium Membership can be recognized by the mention of a crown (). The crown will appear on the members profile on the Search page, the FrontPage, favorites page, friends page etc.

If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service. We can be reached 24/7 by using the contact form

If you want to read this explanation again at your convenience, then click here to download the PDF file

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