My Ladyboy Cupid


Send messages

While our Transsexual women can use the site for free, our gentlemen members will need to upgrade to a paid plan (called Premium Membership). One of the many benefits from a Premium Membership is that you can send unlimited amount of messages to your potential Transgender Date.

When looking at a profile:
1. At the bottom of the profile of the person you want to send a message to, you will find a purple frame;
2. Click at the bottom of the conversation screen in the field with the text 'Type a message here';

message - myladyboycupid
3. Type a nice personal message;
4. And click on the 'Send' button.

send message - myladyboycupid

When performing a search:
1. Under each profile there is an action menu;

profile actions - myladyboycupid
2. Click on the envelope, and a new window will open;

quick message
3. Type a nice personal message;
4. And click on the 'Send' button.

All the messages you send and receive can be found in your personal inbox.

Delete conversations

Did you send a message to someone, but it appears that the shown interest is not mutual? Unfortunately!:
Or do you have any other reasons to delete a message?

How to delete a conversation

1. Click on the Inbox button at the top of the page

inbox - myladyboycupid
2. Hover your mouse cursor over the conversation you wish to delete until a Trash-can appears:

delete conversation - myladyboycupid
3. Click on the 'Trash-can' icon and confirm it.

confirm delete - myladyboycupid

If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service. We can be reached 24/7 by using the contact form

If you want to read this explanation again at your convenience, then click here to download the PDF file

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